Little Sheep, Lost Sheep

Attempting to finish my  the homework in Bible study workbook before it starts tonight - anyone else relate?

This is my second study at the church and I am loving it. Regardless if I can completely keep up with the homework, I am growing. 

This week we reviewed  Matthew 18 and that is where I am pausing to reflect and write this blog. 

Answering questions about The Parable Of The Lost Sheep right after the conversation of Who Is The Greatest impacted me. The little ones Jesus spoke about hits a nerve.

I had been reviewing these questions at my son's soccer practice while my daughter tried to occupy herself. She was looking through her True Girl subscription box for January and it included a journal. I was telling her my study was kinda like the study we get to do with True Girl. If you never heard of True Girl, check it out. 

She wanted to know more about what I was answering. We ended up talking about the Lost Sheep. My daughter really enjoys being asked questions about math so I thought this was a good one. I asked her what she thought a Shepard would do in that situation. Without hesitation she said he would leave the 99 to find the lost one. Her quick response reminded me of the faith Jesus was talking about earlier in that same chapter. What is it about a child that is able to grasp the infinite love from our heavenly Father?!?

As a grown-up, I see how our culture and politics typically would sacrifice one or some for the greater good. Maybe that is just my perspective but I feel like its a theme in movies about war. 

The Shepard who seeks the one sheep is counter cultural today and maybe then too. I actually am excited to learn more about this chapter later from the teaching leaders. I often glean so much insight about the context after attempting the questions and then hearing from the ladies. 

Today this blog is to encourage myself and others that the Word of God is alive and active. It refreshes my soul. Study it. Look for God to speak. I notice often how something I am studying or praying about is brought up in another place. Those instances are subtle, simple, and profound ways that God communicates He is with me. God is so gracious to me. I don't know if you have ever felt like a lost sheep like me but I am grateful that we have a Shepard named Jesus.

If this blog was an encouragement to you today, please consider sharing it now.

Jesus, thank you for rescuing me. Thank you my daughter asking me about Bible study. Help her to want to know You. As I fumble through parenting, use my weakness to lead my kids to You. Thank you for the women who have put time and effort into guiding us through the book of Matthew. Help us to be kind and thoughtful in our fellowship with one another. In Jesus name, amen.

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Thank you! God Bless


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