Follows & Likes

(updated 2/5/18, originally published 1/1/17)

Even after a year I still need to be cautious about getting too caught up in how many followers or likes there are on this blog. My uncle is a missionary in Puerto Rico and has been for over 40 years. He was in town on furlough Christmas of 2016 and I was privileged to hear him speak. He mentioned how people that follow the mission may get concerned with how big or small the number of people there are in the PR congregation. My uncle said, "its not in the numbers". Absolutely! It is too easy to get drawn into the statistics of how to get more likes and more reach on Facebook specifically. It's not about that. It's about God's love.

God's love is more than a Bible verse post on a cool image. It is so much MORE!!! Look outside and see the undeniable work of our most amazing Father. See the way He reveals himself in our children's smiles.

For awhile it seemed that every time I heard a crash or boom from the kids, I was having to look up from my phone. That convicted me and still does. Even if I am using social media for good, like sharing about Jesus or keeping up with distant family and friends, this "media" is not my life. I have attempted boundaries with it and its still a battle with my attention. My family needs me. My God is trying to communicate with me and most of the time that God gets my attention, its not from the phone (actually usually the radio and music like Moody or Air1).

So I will not be the blogger that posts multiple times a day or even once a day. The big-time bloggers have teams for that (or they schedule their posts very well). As my title states, I am "just a mom from Ohio". Its just me right now so I can't keep up with everyone or everything even if I should. I'm going to post as it makes sense in this season I'm in but Facebook is fickle and you have to work to show up in a news feed. If you want to see posts, please like, react, or comment (it's nice to know if someone is reading or finds this blog meaningful).

I do not want to get caught up in a comparison trap or likes contest. This is about God first. Its about relationships and life. Life is not "media" no matter what our media and world tries to portray.

What does the Word of God say? God's Word is timeless, forever relevant, and always true. 

I wonder if I could open my Bible everyday as many times as I opened the Facebook app. Challenge?

Dear Creator, thank you for your work of art that surrounds me and reminds me of your presence daily. Help me to see through the way the world spins life and find your lasting and perfect truth. Guide me as I navigate building a following on the blog and giving my family and You the time and attention deserved. Thank you for the ability to read your Holy Word  at anytime. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Just a Mom Who Prays.
 Like. Comment. Share. 
Thank you! God Bless!


  1. Very well said. Best of luck in the new year. :)

  2. Amen. God is doing wonderful work thru you. God bless. Xoxo

  3. Thank you both for your comments. Happy new year!

  4. God bless you and your new adventure. This "elder" aunt looks forward to learning a few insights from her niece, whenever they show up ;).

    1. Thanks for the kind words Aunt Joyce. I appreciate your comment.


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