You're Welcome

Anyone else out there have the song "You're Welcome" stuck in their head? It's from a newer Disney movie, Moana. I actually do like this movie better than Frozen, maybe because it is more lively and colorful. The music is better too. My daughter sings the "How Far I'll Go" water song as if it was "Let It Go".

The "You're Welcome" song and the attitude of the demigod, Maui, voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (whose WWF or WWE character I quite enjoyed back in the day) caught my attention. At first, I was not thrilled about my kids learning about demigods but a friend helped me out with a truth that at least I can discuss this stuff with my kids in my own home.  I can explain that other people have different beliefs and not everyone knows Jesus. But it doesn't change what we know to be true about Jesus' love for us. Back to the song, the arrogance is what stands out the most. This character is essentially saying upon first meeting Moana, that she is welcome for everything awesome he did for her and all mankind. This is so not like my God. 

God, the true creator, the Alpha and Omega, the great I AM, wouldn't ever need to sing a song about His greatness. His creation speaks for itself. It's undeniable. He doesn't have to come prance around and sing a song like "you're welcome". That would be silly. Get to know the character of the God of the Holy Bible, the one that sent his one and only son to die so that he could provide a way for us to be in relationship with him.

My biggest reason to write this short blog was simply to acknowledge the amazing God we have. 

Dear Lord, Thank you for creating such a marvelous galaxy for us to dwell in. The beauty in the stars and sky alone are enough to scream of Your holiness. Guide me as I work with the complexity of trying to live in this world and not become of it, especially with my kids and something as simple as a Disney movie. Help me to be wise in what I allow my children to be exposed to but also in how to prepare them for the reality they will face in a tragically fallen world. Ignite a light in each of them to shine for you as they grow. Thank you Jesus! In your name, amen. 

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