No Filter

I'm so glad I decided to keep the latest Britt Nicole cd just for me. It was on sale during the Black Friday event and I grabbed it thinking I may give it out as a gift. I love music and eventually, like January, I opened it as a gift to me. My 3yo daughter really loves this one song in particular, No Filter. I enjoy it too but its just so cute that she requests that I play the "picture nus" song.

The lyrics speak to me about how its so easy to portray my life, particularly through social media, but even just with family or at church, that things are going great. We can get good on putting on an act, don't we. Part of it might be that I don't want to burden anyone or I don't even understand what the problem is. Some things are best to be private between a couple or family. I think it gets interesting when we deal with the pressure to be "ok" and "happy". Are people going to be able to come along side of you and offer support if they aren't let in to know that there is something you may need prayer for? I'm not saying to put it all out there on front street, know your audience. Seek God's direction first. Pause before you post, or text or call (do we still do that?).

Here's the kicker, our kids are watching us without the filter. Our kids see us fail. Our kids see us be human. And that's ok. I think they need to. I want them to see me being authentic. God also sees us, the us that we don't let anyone in on. He made us, he knows us intimately. Psalm 44:21 reminds us that He knows the secrets of our hearts. Psalms 139 is full of rich reminders of God's connection to us.

Singing along to "No Filter".

Dear God, Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for my daughter's sweet voice. Thank you that we can connect through music. Bless those that may be reading this today and help us all to be authentic. Help us not to compare our lives to those of celebrities or people we see in our communities or churches that appear to have it together. Thank you enabling me to see each new day. I hope I'm getting closer to You with each one and being a light for my family and those who know me. In Your Holy Name, Amen. 

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Thank you! God Bless


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