A Fresh Coat of Paint

This weekend when the kids were at their dad's, I touched up the paint around the house. It was awesome of the landlord to leave some in the place so it matches perfectly. After a year and a half of living here, there are some areas of the walls that have crayon, marker, stickers that peeled the paint, and other typical wear and tear of living in a house with young kids. At first it may not seem like that big of a deal to touch up paint, but wow did it give me a boost in my outlook.

A bonus blessing of the weekend was that I was able to go on a walk and enjoy a little sunshine. While I was out, the paint was able to dry. When I got home, it was like I walked into a new atmosphere. The place felt refreshed. I could walk up the stairwell and feel like it was so much cleaner and the energy was renewed. It was and still is amazing a day later. I know it won't always be this "clean" feeling but for now I'm savoring it.

This morning while preparing to watch church online, I thought more about how this fresh coat of paint has impacted my mood. My home church does communion every week and even in this pandemic Covid-19 situation, they are still practicing communion and welcoming believers to participate at home in whatever way they can. I admit, I haven't figured out my own way to do communion yet but I love that they are not going to abstain from encouraging this intentional time of worship. We probably need it now more than we realize.

When I think about this coat of paint and how clean it feels, it reminds me of communion and the way that Christ's death on the cross has provided the Way for me to be washed white as snow. This coat of paint encourages me to present myself and my flaws to my Father, and know that with Jesus, I'm made clean. I'm renewed. I'm refreshed by confession and repentance. Communion is not something I take lightly. I don't paint my walls every week. And I know, like my walls, that I will be flawed, but I'm not going to let shame and lies prevent me from humbling myself before my Lord. I used to do that. I used to be afraid and so ashamed that I couldn't bear to confess my sins if I thought there was a chance I couldn't be perfect forever. My heart was lost and I didn't understand the love my Father has for me. I'm not completely healed but I'm more willing to come to the table and be present and humble before my King. Taking life one day a time, one hour often is the main way I try to live. Staying in the Word and being in communication with believers and my Father in prayer will help me to keep the walls maintained.

Father, Thank you for the way I can come to You through Jesus over and over again. Thank you for reminding me that You always wanted to be with us. You wanted to walk with us from the beginning. You sent Jesus to be with us and to provide a Way to reconcile us back to You. It's truly amazing when I am able to comprehend it. Thank you for the way a simple act of touching up the paint on my walls can renew my faith and refresh my mind in being humble before You in confession of my sins. Thank you for forgiveness. In Jesus Name, amen.

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Thank you! God Bless!


  1. Angie, you're such an encouragement....I'm so amazed at the Spiritual growth I have seen in you...God's got you in His hands, and has special plans for you!!! Love you bunches...Aunt Wanda

    1. Thank you Aunt Wanda! I appreciate your support along the way. Its wonderful to have strong women of faith in my life.


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