Content - Part 2

Wow, well 2019 flew by and I did not do my quarterly updates on my word of the year (#momlife). So today, in January of 2020, I will follow up about my focus word for last year, "content".  In retrospect, I am honestly satisfied with how the year went. Granted a lot changed, but it could have been worse, right? Seriously though, I think it was a good year.

Over the year, I was in the Word daily. I was going to church most weeks. I took my real estate pre-licensing classes and actually passed my test on the first try. We lived on our own for a full year.  My family blessed my kids majorly at Christmas even when I couldn't. My focus on my health and wellness improved significantly and I lost 15lbs and have been maintaining it with a daily commitment to exercise and improved eating. There has been a lot of progress and absolutely no perfection which in itself is awesome. I'm learning to live with less static and more intention.

What did I learn about contentment?

  • awareness of where I am seeking peace and satisfaction
  • what internal peace feels like
  • what anxiety in my body feels like and how different it is from peace
  • discernment
  • how to worship through my restlessness
  • living one day at a time, one moment at a time
  • praying through everything in a brutally honest way - not holding back truth even if I don't like it because God already knows but He is ready, willing, and able to handle my struggles and we won't get anywhere if I can't share it with Him
  • happiness and contentment are not the same
  • I can be full of joy even in uncertain times
  • I am loved and provided for
  • knowing the answers doesn't equal contentment
  • checking the boxes while at times is helpful, in some scenarios is not the complete solution to long term satisfaction - if it distracts from the original purpose (like my Bible reading score - I plan to go into this more in another post)            

So did you have a word for 2019? How did it go? I'd love to hear about anything you have learned. Feel free to share it in the comments on social media or in the blog.

If you need a word for 2020 still, there is a test included in my friend's blog that I took to help me determine my new word. My word for 2020 is "stand" and I think it fits. A lot of new things starting and I'm so much more aware of myself and what I'm willing to fight for or how to stay strong in a season of storms.

Spirit, thank you for being ever present with me even though at times I fight with you. Much like I see my kids together, they love each other and want to be together but sometimes push each other away. I am grateful that nothing I can foolishly do will separate me from the love of Christ. His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection defines my entire being. Because of Jesus, I can live and I can have hope. Thank you for another year and another day to grow and enjoy the blessings of Your presence. In Jesus name, amen. 

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Thank you! God Bless!


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