God Only Knows

God only knows why you are scrolling right now.

Heard the remix of "God Only Knows" by For King and Country with Echosmith driving home after a long day. I'm tired, my kids ate too much candy, and I love music, this song being no exception.

This song could have came out when I was in high school and it would have connected to my heart and soul then. And 21 yrs later there is much more that God only knows about my feelings and struggles. This song's lyrics are timeless, the making of great and classic works of art. Its no surprise it won song of the year.

What is it that God only knows about you? What are you hiding from? running from? afraid of?

Even though you may have heard that God is love and that He loves you regardless of whatever shame weighing on you, it is actually true. Yes, it is! When we actually accept and believe that, life changes.

Walking with God is better than running from Him or anyone else for that matter.

Without God, we fall apart. With God, we have somewhere to land.

Christ didn't die and stay in the grave. He doesn't want us to either. So often I find myself crawling towards the darkness of the grave. Why? I don't like the dark but I recognize the familiar connection to the shame. Shame is a lie. Its a burden of brokenness that God tried to spare us from. God doesn't talk to us in that way, those thoughts are from the enemy.

I was recently talking about the concept of grieving the Holy Spirit. Someone said something that helped me shift my perspective. She said that its not the Spirit being angry at me for ignoring Him, rather that He is genuinely sad and pained by what my lack of obedience will ultimately do to me.

See, I was viewing the Spirit much like I viewed God, mean and distant, condemning and critical. But that is not how God or the Spirit talks to me. Its just a distortion from the father of lies.

God only knows why you are reading this right now. God only knows what needs done in your heart, in your life. Does it comfort you that God knows?

When I started getting serious in my counseling awhile back and owned up to my secrets, I was relieved that the counselor prayed at the end of our sessions. Honestly I had about given up on counseling and fixing myself and knowing that it was left in God's capable hands was my only comfort. I didn't have faith in the counselor, or myself, but I knew if there was hope, it was with God. I'm still wrestling with trusting my true Counselor over any human counselor. God knows!

Counselor, Thank you for wrestling with me and fighting on my behalf. Life has thrown a lot of curve balls and I'm sorry for blaming God. Thank you for being able to handle all of my messy emotions and confusion. Continue to guide me and speak to me. I'm sorry for making you sad. I make myself sad too. I'm having a hard time. But I know that God has equipped me with You through Christ to sustain and empower me. Thank you for praying for me when I don't have the words. In Jesus name, amen.

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Thank you! God Bless


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