Go Down Swinging

I looked out the window and saw snow on my car. Apparently there was a weather report warning of it. Do you pay as much attention to the weather report as I do? It's Ohio in November or was it April 1st, anything is possible. This weather reminds me of a new CD I have loaded in my car. Yes, I still buy Cd's. Luckily, I found this one at a BAM (Books-A-Million) without having to order online. Cd's are becoming a rarity. The CD is The Elements by Toby Mac.

It's been 4 months that I have almost written this blog. What's the hold up? There is not really that much pressure to write, its just my own delay. Or is it the elements of the spiritual warfare getting in my way?

When I'm driving in the car and I listen to this CD, it starts with the song, "The Elements" and I love it! It pumps me up. The part that resonates with me so much lately is the fight, the struggle. For about 6 weeks, I've gotten back into a workout routine and its good. The adrenaline and motivation of seeing real change in my appearance and simply how I feel is wonderful. I'm down 10 pounds and much more lean and toned. Maybe that baby weight will finally come off! And I acknowledge that I'm eating much better. It's time to fight! It's time to take care of my temple that God gave me. I want to be there for my kids and my weight was affecting my cholesterol and endurance to keep up with their endless energy.

Check out the song, The Elements, by Toby Mac. 

There is a spiritual battle going on. Especially for our families. It makes me mad! Yet what am I going to do? Well for one thing, I'm going to put on the armor of God and I'm going to get into the Word of God. Basically, I'm going into battle. And if I go down, Ima go down swingin.

During my workouts, I mix up a few DVDs and types of movements. They include cardio classics, strength, weights,  PIYO, martial arts, yoga, boxing, and whatever else Jillian Michaels wants to throw at me. What I like about the variety is that I can learn different techniques and ways to grow healthier and stronger mentally and physically. I think the armor of God is similar. We need to have all the armor, not just one. Especially with all the different elements coming at us. 


On another note, the music critic in me wants to give this album 5 stars. My favorite song by far is number 7, It's You. The name of the song might seem like it could be a love song, and in a way it is, but with God. It's God that completes me. So as I focus on God and my relationship with Him, I can expect to grow closer to God and face some opposition. But our good God has equipped us. 

Father God, thank you for how you have provided for us. You know what we are up against and we have the gift of the Holy Spirit and your holy Word to lead us. Thank you for inspirational music and artists like Toby Mac to give the young (and young at heart) something to move to. In Jesus Name, amen. 

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Thank you! God Bless


  1. Great to see you back up and writing again. Your post reminds me of one of my favorite worship songs "Praise You In This Storm" (Natalie Grant or Casting Crowns... can't go wrong either way). Keep doing you best and let God take care of the rest.


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