Content - Part 1

Did you pick a word to focus on for 2019? My word of the year for 2019 is "content". My goal for this year is to being satisfied with my life as it is. As a recently divorced single mom that could be a challenge. But nothing is impossible with God. And God is my center. I have this picture in my mind that I am in standing on a rock in the center of His palm in a posture of trust and worship.

This morning God reminded me of His sense of humor. At church, I was expecting to pick up a sign of my word of the year created by a ministry His Words I Speak.  I had ordered one online with a big order from church but when I arrived to pick it up, there were 2 signs for me. I was confused. They said they were a gift too. Turns out my Divorce Care leader had decided to buy one as a gift but they both ended up gifted to me. I love it because now I don't have to debate if I need the sign at home or work. I get to have one in both places. But it cracks me up because just last night, I was really wrestling again with my contentment in a situation. I just love how God reminds me of His awareness of my life. He has been so amazing with how He communicates to me that He sees me. Wait til I share about my experience with the woman at the well from John chapter 4 in another blog.

Over the last several years I have had the word "surrender", "release", "powerless", and "freedom" as focus words of the year. This has been an incredible way to dig deeper into Scripture and to clue myself into the way God has been whispering to me.

It is already almost 3 full months into the year 2019 and I thought it would be nice to do a quarterly checkup on what God is saying to me so far about contentment. I have to admit that the concept of being satisfied in things as they are when I feel so out of control requires daily surrender. From simple to large things I now question my needs and my motives for the desire.  

It's not rocket science and there are times I may choose the wrong answer. But I am learning to accept the choices I make. One example is that I decided to upgrade my smartphone from 2014. I've only ever had the Samsung Galaxy 5S so this was a big decision, not to mention, an expensive one. I had to weigh the pro's and con's and I did put it off for quite awhile but 2wks ago I made the switch to a Google Pixel 3. Change requires time to adjust whether its a new place to live, a new work schedule, or even a new phone. I've experienced those and many other significant life changes over the last year and a half. 

Peace is a good friend of contentment. Philippians chapter 4:6-8 covers the subjects of anxious thoughts, prayer, thanksgiving, peace, guarding our hearts, and things to think on. These verses are essential to my ability to find contentment. Isn't it just like God's Word to point me in the right direction! 

So how does this work? For starters, I pay attention. If I see someone post a Bible verse with the word content in it, then I go to the Blue Letter Bible app on my phone and compare translations and will look up the definition of the word based on how it was used in the original Hebrew or Greek language. Sometimes I get into commentary. Often I hear something in a song or on Moody radio that has to do with my current word of the year. Last year with freedom, I was introduced to Freedom in Christ ministries. I was able to complete The Steps to Freedom in Christ near the end of 2018. That is still blessing me today and one of the daily prayers uses the word content. 

Ways that I process my word of the year:

  • Pay attention
  • Study
  • Pray
  • Worship
Father God, thank you for my content signs to help me stay committed to focus on how well You supply all of my needs. Thank you for the ways You have been communicating with me. May this blog lead others to seek to know this type of relationship with You. I praise You for all of the blessings I have received in the last year alone. You are constantly showing up and You deserve all the glory. Thank you for the incomprehensible gift of Jesus taking on the weight of the world's sin so that I can even be able to know You. In Jesus holy name, Amen. 

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Thank you! God Bless


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