The Fixer

Are you a #fixer

Do you want for everyone to always get along and for there to be peace in your household and family? Seems like a reasonable idea, right? Wrong! Works in theory but not as much in reality. 

At church this past Sunday, the pastor spoke about the messiness of Jesus’s genealogy and how life isn’t perfect or easy. 

Life is hard. 

Life is messy. (especially with kids, am I right?)

We, ourselves, cannot fix it. And maybe the situation isn’t meant to be fixed, now or ever. What we should focus on is God and trusting Him to get us through the challenge.

Coincidentally, this sermon occurred on Mother’s Day and there were four women who spoke about what it is like to be a mother. A common thread in the conversation was that a mother may act controlling or manipulative, in the best possible way, of course. A mother wants what is best for her children and has a hard time seeing them struggle or experience pain. It is easy for a mother to jump in and try to help or fix the situation that may be causing the tears or frustration. But does that action allow for growth and independence? There are obvious moments when safety is an issue and there is no question a mother or whomever should step in to protect. Most times, however, there is room to sit back and let the child go and experience whatever it is for themselves.

In many situations, we are powerless. Accepting that lack of control feels defeating perhaps and is hard but important. 

God is not powerless. 

He may allow us to experience pain and not solve our problems and prayer requests. But we should still seek His Word and His presence continually. He does love us even if we hurt and don’t understand. 

Jesus experienced pain. We can make it with God. Let go and let God as the saying goes. 

Every day. Every moment. Pray.


  •          When you have tried to step in and fix a situation with a parent, sibling, co-worker, etc., how has that worked out? Are you a good mediator? What feelings have you experienced once all is said and done?

  •         Do you think God may have a different solution for a problem in your life right now than you may desire?  Do you think you could be blessed more or less with God’s plan?

Bible Verses:
Proverbs 3:5, Romans 15:13, Psalms 84:12

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Thank you! God Bless


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