Like A Child: BABY STUFF!!!!!!!

A newborn has needs that must be met and there is a huge market of stuff to help.
It may not be long before a new parent looks up and is totally surrounded by all
of this new baby stuff.

This can be overwhelming and confusing trying to determine
what is truly necessary. Similarly, there are also several resources for new Christians
available, but what do we really need?

See all the random stuff behind my child.

Every baby and every person develops at their own rate.
This is also true of spiritual growth.

Don’t expect to be as spiritual as your friend or someone you see at church.
Get comfortable with who you are and letting God mold you.

Just getting to the point of accepting Christ’s love for us may take one person
a lifetime and another person minutes.

Since we all develop at different speeds it is natural for the many of options to dive
into our faith deeper to be appealing. My advice is to NOT get overwhelmed
and start with the basics. It might just be that a Bible and a
small group is all you need to get started.


How do you spend time with God every day?

How much time are you giving to God?

Dear Lord, Thank you for amazing ways you bless and provide for us and our families.
You truly have provided for my children in the forms of gifts, hand me downs, as well
as lots of love and support. Help me to know when to give back out from which you
have given. Thank you for revealing your kindness to me through
other's generosity. Let me teach my kids to do the same. I want to reflect
your sacrificing love. Thank you for your grace. In Jesus name, amen.

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Thank you! God Bless!


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