Love is a Battlefield

(Started Feb 2017, Published Feb 2018)

Love. My daughter and son received these adorable valentine's cards with army figures on them which I strategically placed in the picture. In this dollhouse, the bedroom is where the battle is about to go down. Do you think it started with the toilet seat that was left up or something bigger?

Love is a battlefield. Isn't that the truth? Phew! I'll say. I can't think of many times where I felt like I came out on the winning side of love. Except, of course, the most critical, Jesus. I'm so grateful that I finally believe in the unmatched love my Savior has for me. He loves you too!

Last year January, I asked my uncle that loves to study theology about why it is so common to use 1 Corinthians  13 in marriage vows. My uncle has officiated several weddings, including my own. My specific questions were: 1) why use that passage of Scripture and 2) if the people being wed were to have already achieved this type of love for each other or if that was the goal throughout marriage.

His answer was deep. So deep, this blog sat for a year in hopes that I could articulate it. I haven't yet. So I think I will just leave his answer here on the page.

He said:

"Paul is referring to AGAPE.  1 Jn4:8, God is agape.  Romans 5:5 says God poured his love (agape) into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.  Humankind does not have agape.  In the Greek they used 4 words for love.  Eros:  physical love, sex, and love for things.  Storge: love within a family.  Phileo: love for friends.  And Agape: Greek scholars define it as having a compassionate concern for the well being of others.  Agape IS God.  Gal.2:20; 'it is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me.  And in 1 John 4, John says we ought to love one another just as God loves us. Christians possess all 4 loves, the non-converted do not have agape, though, phileo is a very powerful and noble love praised in Scripture, but it is still beneath, agape. 
In deed, we grow in spiritual wisdom and maturity including the power to love others, even our enemies.  BUT, we do possess the love that is God, it is there.  I want you to read 1 Cor.13:4-8 and where you find the word 'love', replace it with your own name.  This is the point Paul is wanting to make.  
It would be great if two love birds went into marriage with this mature love, but I think it is rare to find two people in their youth with a mature agape in their hearts.  In the beginning of a relationship, it is hard to look past 'self' to see the good and needs of the other mate.  As time passes, if you notice the lives of elderly married people, self has been replaced with the other.  In the Christian, our born again  transformation leads us down a new path of love and love takes over notably manifest within our relationships with others."

He explained to me about the different words in the Greek and about agape. He suggested to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and put my  name in place of the word love to see the point Paul was trying to make. Have you ever done that? Try it. 

If love really is a battlefield, are we prepared for war?
Are we training for battle, dressing the part?

Who is watching you love?

Dear Lord, Thank you for helping me to understand real love, that love that only You can give. Thank you for the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Guide me as I attempt to live loved and show my kids and those around me the abundance of grace I have received. I want to be a light. I want to shine bright for You. In Your Holy Name, amen.

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Thank you! God Bless!


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