Best Part of Waking Up?

Are you a coffee drinker? If so, then you may be like many of us that go straight to the coffee pot at the beginning of each morning,  first thing. With kids in the house, coffee may not be an immediate option but it is high on my priority to at least brew it. That first sip or two is so relaxing and I don't even know why. It seems to be a habit. I drink a lot of decaf and I still like it. I crave it. Some coffee just smells so good. Its all good if you need to go get a nice hot cup of jo right now.

My happy go lucky son has been begging for my coffee lately, it puts him in rare form. He was literally climbing and hanging on the edge of the counter. He wanted that drink and I don't think he knew why either, other than the straw and that it was mine.

Is it a little odd that the first thing many of us put into our bodies is this brown, hot liquid, perhaps muddied with cream and sugar?

What if instead I woke up and ingested something spiritual before anything else? Granola bar of truth? Is there a "Christian" product line of snacks with Bible verses and quotes on the wrapper? Would that make much difference?

I have a goal of doing my devotion before any social media. That alone is challenging for me. I can get sucked into wanting to see if there is any Facebook or Instagram update that I may need to be aware of.

Most mornings, I fight to get out of bed. Many times it is my 3yo that gets me moving. I've never been a morning person so I have ruled out the often suggested idea to get up an extra 30 minutes earlier each day to spend time with God. But maybe I am not using my time wisely. If I shifted some things around, maybe I could manage to get up before the kids did. Maybe.

Did you notice I said "maybe" three times in two sentences?  Maybe its just an excuse.

I don't want to get up earlier. I don't want to give up my morning coffee. But I do know that I need to be connected with God. I know that when I am in the Word, I feel better, safer. My peace is from the Lord. My hope is from the Lord.  Psalm 62:5 Psalm 39:7

Have you ever read something,  a devotion,  a Bible verse, a quote at the end of the day that totally fits for how the day was? And you wonder what your day might have been like had you read it before the day began? Happens all the time to me.

I need to be constantly reminded of God's love and promises for me. I need the truth to help me block out all the vicious lies that I have been told from the world.

For years of my life, I would kick and scream, climb and hang on the counter top of pride trying to get what was in the that cup regardless of what it tasted like. I thought I had to have it. I thought it was better than what I had in my own cup. Maybe it was the straw? Maybe it was that it was iced instead of warm. When I finally got it, I wasn't satisfied. It wasn't enough. It was a tease. Why couldn't I have it all?

When I fill up on the living water, the Word says I will thirst no longer. (John 4:14).

Coffee at one time was said to be dehydrating but now it is said it may have healthful benefits if you drink it plain but I add cream to change its original taste to fit my preference. We can't change the Word of God to fit our needs or ideas. (Rev 22:18-19). It just doesn't work like that. What kind of god does what I think is right? Who am I? Am I trying to be the god who gets to make up what I think goes in the world?

The Creator of the universe is perfect and holy and true and right, no matter how uncomfortable that makes me or the people on this earth. (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20)

At the end of the day when I am tired and worn out, I can look back on my day and pray for forgiveness. But I would rather wake up every morning and start my day with thanksgiving and praise. I would like to get a hug from my Father and sit down for a nutritious breakfast for my soul. Then as the day goes on, I can pull from my energy source. I am sure I will still need forgiveness by the end of the day but hopefully for things less severe and less damaging to myself and others. How I treat my kids, my spouse, coworkers, and strangers matters. It matters a lot.

When its 12 noon and I haven't even ate anything yet, you can be sure that I have snapped at my kids, been overwhelmed, and am so tired. Usually I have had 1 cup of coffee and that is it. What good is that? So what is the best part of waking up for you, what makes your day start in the right direction?

Dear God, Lord, how I need you. First thing in the morning and all throughout the day I need you. Thank you for being a God who does not sway with the wind of the world, changing for popularity. You are constant. You are perfect in your ways. I may not have the capability to understand but I don't want to ever think I know better than you. Guide me as I attempt to read your Word and be in your presence. I just want to know You more. In Jesus Name, amen. 

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