Going through the Motions?

Finally making some real significant progress potty training the 3yo and the 18mo old is desperately trying to mimic his big sister. My blessing of a super happy baby cries and gets worked up til I help him onto the big potty. Its actually quite cute watching him get the stool, put on the princess training seat and then attempt to wipe. Its not cute watching the toilet paper flying off the roll. After he is done, he wants to flush, and wash his hands. He wants the full experience including the high five at the end. He is so proud and I am flattered that he knows the routine but he isn't actually going potty.

Have you heard the song, The Motions, by Matthew West? This moment with my son brought that song to the forefront of my mind. It is so easy to fall into the routine and/or trying to impress people to blend in or to fit in. I've heard the phrase "fake it til you make it" and while I think that may be helpful in some situations, God knows the heart. We can't fake our motives. God isn't going to give a high five for learning how to appear to be his follower. In Revelation 3:15-16 there is difficult truth about being lukewarm. Read Psalm 51:16-19  in a couple translations, it's our broken spirit He is looking for. I don't want to be fake with God, don't want to be putting on a show for the people around me. I want a genuine relationship with my Father, the One who loves me more than anyone on this planet ever could. I want to connect to the One who knows my deepest pains and isn't afraid or isn't made so uncomfortable by them that he'd run or get angry that I didn't figure out how to protect myself from that failure. My God, our God already knows it all. Don't give up. Don't quit if you are lost in trying to make sense of being a Christ follower. Yell, Cry. Fight through the raw emotions and pain. Grieve. But through all that, talk to God. He is listening! He is waiting with open arms. He loves you!

Check out the video for The Motions

Jesus, Thank you for the way a child can teach me about loving you. Help me to be pure in my motives and to be humble enough to receive correction. Thank you for my children and help me to be an example worth mimicking. I lift up anyone that is like I was for years, buried in pain, shame, and guilt. I pray for those afraid to be honest in the mess with You and trying to do it on their own. Help them to be encouraged by someone who sees past the muck and sees the beauty You created in them. Thank you for your patience Lord. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

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