Just a Mom?

Who am I and why am I here? And why do you care?

Who I am?

My name is Angela and I'm a mom of two. I'm also a wife, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. For years, particularly the twenty-something years, I was desperate to find my identity. Now as a mom, I don't want to lose that grip I just gained on finding my identity and replace it with one of the many adjectives I could find to describe the roles I have in life. Who I am is not simply defined by the titles of mom, wife, or friend. Who I am always has been and always will be defined by the Great I Am, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

Here are some links about identity in Christ:

Why am I here (on this blog)?

Since as long as I can remember, writing has been therapeutic for me and has been the most effective way for me to express my deep feelings. As a child, I could have been described as shy, and writing became a safe way to communicate. Whether it was letters, diaries, or poetry, writing as been the way I became comfortable sharing with the world around me and to God. It has been a goal of mine to become a published author at some point and simply put, a blog may be the most effective way for me to get to that goal. So here I am. 

Why do you care?

Maybe you struggle with feeling like "just a mom". Maybe you connect with me on some level about needing to find your identity. Not the lies you may have been told or believed, but God's truth. Hopefully, as we journey through motherhood and life together, we can grow in our understanding of the love God has for us and we can take the knowledge of this love from our minds into our hearts to accept and believe it. Join me as I attempt to learn more about Jesus and my true identity by growing in Him as my kiddos grow next to me. Let's do this together.

Please follow me on FacebookInstagram, or Pinterest. Like. Comment. Share. 
Thank you! God Bless


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