Breaking Up

Sitting in a room, something isn't right, I'm not sure what's off so I just keep on talking. Anything is better than that awkward silence right? Apparently not. Leaving feeling worse than I did when I got there. Sad, confused, but I am aware. This is for my good. This is progress. This is growth. She stopped me eventually, she asked me if this was working for me. No. I said, its not really. I wanted to ask what was wrong with her today. But this has been a continued theme. It's not always been this way. I've changed. Maybe she has changed. We've changed. And that's OK. Why has it been so hard for me to face truth? Why is it so hard to sit in the uncomfortable awareness of my own flaws? Just because I may not have caused all of the wounds, I can't ignore the effects of the scars. I can't continue to pick the scabs and keep on halfway healing and not take ownership. Just because something isn't working that does not mean I just ru...