Content - Part 1

Did you pick a word to focus on for 2019? My word of the year for 2019 is "content". My goal for this year is to being satisfied with my life as it is. As a recently divorced single mom that could be a challenge. But nothing is impossible with God. And God is my center. I have this picture in my mind that I am in standing on a rock in the center of His palm in a posture of trust and worship. This morning God reminded me of His sense of humor. At church, I was expecting to pick up a sign of my word of the year created by a ministry His Words I Speak . I had ordered one online with a big order from church but when I arrived to pick it up, there were 2 signs for me. I was confused. They said they were a gift too. Turns out my Divorce Care leader had decided to buy one as a gift but they both ended up gifted to me. I love it because now I don't have to debate if I need the sign at home or work. I get to have one in both places. But it cracks me up because just last nigh...