Love is a Battlefield

(Started Feb 2017, Published Feb 2018) Love. My daughter and son received these adorable valentine's cards with army figures on them which I strategically placed in the picture. In this dollhouse, the bedroom is where the battle is about to go down. Do you think it started with the toilet seat that was left up or something bigger? Love is a battlefield. Isn't that the truth? Phew! I'll say. I can't think of many times where I felt like I came out on the winning side of love. Except, of course, the most critical, Jesus. I'm so grateful that I finally believe in the unmatched love my Savior has for me. He loves you too! Last year January, I asked my uncle that loves to study theology about why it is so common to use 1 Corinthians 13 in marriage vows. My uncle has officiated several weddings, including my own. My specific questions were: 1) why use that passage of Scripture and 2) if the people being wed were to have already achieved this type of love ...