Chase Me

So I had written a summary of what happened yesterday and frankly it was too much fluff, so let's get straight to the point. Let me set the scene. A bored and almost feeling better mom takes a tired 3yo to a busy Target in the middle of the afternoon so she could indulge herself and use a gift card for some storage bins that were on sale. Can you hear me justifying this by saying it was quality mother daughter time? Ha. I was trying to allow myself this opportunity to give her some independence to walk and listen since its just not possible for me when we have her brother too. The cart I ended up with gave her the option to climb in and out. You can see where this is going. Fast forward a few meltdowns later and we are almost done at the store. But I find myself watching, not in disbelief, as she darts down the middle isle and doesn't stop. I'm chasing her as she goes around the corner out of my sight. Once I can see her again, I observe how she is pausing at the end...