Sojourner Truth - Ain't I A Woman

When I was in 4th grade, I read a biography and did a report about Sojourner Truth. The book was published by Scholastic in 1994 and authored by Patricia C. McKissack and Fredrick McKissack. Reading that book and writing that report had a profound impact on me. I still have the handwritten original in my saved memories from my childhood. I remember being completely shocked and mortified that slavery was such a part of the American history. my original report In honor of Black History Month, I thought I would re-type it out here on the blog. Sojourner Truth (Ain't I A Woman?) Isabella Van Wagner was born sometime in 1797 to a slave family. Her parents James and Betsy called her Belle. Belle's father James was called Baumfree and Belle's mother Betsy was called Mau Mau Bett. Baumfree and Mau Mau Bett had other children but they were sold away. They were worried Belle was going to be sold away too. The best they could do was to tea...