The Picture

Do you remember that moment you took that first picture of you and your significant other, before it was official? Do you remember the feeling? Take a look at that photo, either physically or in your mind, what feelings does it invoke? Depending on your current situation that answer may vary significantly. Isn't that just like life though, people change . Our ideas of a person are based on the first impression usually. We build up a fantasy of what life could be like with them. But we all change and often so do our opinions and even possibly how we remember someone or how we remember details of our relationship with them. Seeing a picture of what once seemed like an ideal relationship that has since broken apart is hard on a soul. It doesn't matter if it is your own picture or of someone else. In the image you can see the light in a person's eyes, the excitement of not noticing the other's flaws. But once you know that it has been ruined by human nature and sin, it...