Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

Say what you mean and mean what you say. It is a classic phrase or quote. It is universal. It can be understood for parenting, relationships, and legal transactions like selling a car. Is honesty important at all today? It feels to me as though generally I don't trust what a company tells me. Phrases like "100% beef" or "All white meat chicken" and "all natural" or "no artificial preservatives" that have popped up with fast food companies lately cause me some concern. What was I eating 20 years ago? Not meat? Does it cost more to have real food? (We know that is a yes.) Just getting into food labels is enough to cause a person not to believe much of anything a company tells us. They are very deceptive and use trickery. Why is that? Society and news media has plenty to say. How do you identify what is real or fake news? Apparently there is a new class at my local library to help with that. It is now that big of a problem. In my own li...