Make it a Better Day!

When I worked as a purchaser, I used to try to figure out how to put personality into my emails. I preferred to submit orders for the parts and supplies in writing rather than verbally over the phone, so I was often sending emails. I had a basic template and I could tweak it for the contact. I did this job for several years and I would get depressed. My depression was not specifically about the job, but some of the people were more difficult to deal with than others. So, in an effort to improve my mood and others, I would include the following phrases depending on the day: Make it a marvelous Monday! Make it a terrific Tuesday! Make it a wonderful Wednesday! Make it a tremendous Thursday! Make it a fantastic (or fabulous) Friday! This was a reminder to myself mostly that I had the ability and the choice to determine how my day would go. My mood would then have the capability to rub off on someone else. Every time I wrote "terrific Tuesday" or "tremendous T...